2020 election app created by Westhill students gains popularity
An app that began as a school project at Westhill High School is now one of the top free apps in the country.
Seniors at the school created PoliTalk USA – an app that helps break down the race for the presidency by candidate and specific issues.
The students say the app helps new voters sort through the clutter of information.
Within weeks, PoliTalk shot up to No. 74 on the iTunes store.
“I think it was very hard to find out the information that I needed to formulate my own opinion about the candidates, instead of hearing certain pundits on TV," says Christopher Matrullo, one of the app’s creators.
While the student creators will be headed off to college next year, they hope to keep the app going as its popularity grows.
A GoFundMe campaign is fundraising to help expand the app going forward toward the 2020 election. 

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