Catholic leaders denounce NY's Reproductive Health Act
Catholic leaders have denounced the Reproductive Health Act, also known as RHA.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo is pushing for the measure that would declare abortion a fundamental right in New York state and make late-term abortions legal in cases in which a mother's health is at risk or a fetus is unviable.
"We mourn the unborn infants who will lose their lives, and the many mothers and fathers who will suffer remorse and heartbreak as a result," the Catholic Bishops of New York State said in a statement.
JoAnn Smith, of Planned Parenthood, says RHA will solidify abortion rights in New York no matter what happens at the federal level.
The Democratic-controlled state Legislature has indicated that RHA will pass on Jan. 22, the 46th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade ruling.

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