Best Friends on 12 reminds Connecticut women to perform a breast exam

St. Vincent's Swim Across the Sound and News 12 Connecticut are reminding women to perform their monthly breast exam this weekend, then remind their best friend to do the same. Local surgeons are also

News 12 Staff

Feb 11, 2006, 12:21 AM

Updated 6,824 days ago


St. Vincent's Swim Across the Sound and News 12 Connecticut are reminding women to perform their monthly breast exam this weekend, then remind their best friend to do the same.
Local surgeons are also touting a new specialized radiation technique they say will become the standard in treating early stage breast cancer patients. The new technique, called mammosite, cuts down treatment time down from six weeks to one and reduces recovery time and fatigue.
A recent study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute shows that after five years, women who underwent mammosite had the same rate of recurrence as women who underwent conventional radiation.