Boy in the shower thwarts Edson Ave. home invasion

An armed robbery attempt on Edson Avenue was foiled thanks to the quick thinking of a 12-year-old boy.Police say the boy was taking a shower Thursday around 10:35 p.m. and heard noises. They say he put

News 12 Staff

Jun 1, 2007, 11:14 PM

Updated 6,308 days ago


An armed robbery attempt on Edson Avenue was foiled thanks to the quick thinking of a 12-year-old boy.Police say the boy was taking a shower Thursday around 10:35 p.m. and heard noises. They say he put together what was going on, jumped out a window and called police to say men with guns were in house.Officers responded to the call and confronted the suspects. Police say two suspects were shot, but it isn't clear if the shots were fired by police, suspects or both. One suspect was hit in the torso and the second suspect shot was hit in the torso, leg and buttocks. Officials say police found two loaded guns and two black face masks at the scene.The two suspects that were shot are listed in stable condition. None of the officers who responded to the call or people that were in the home were injured.Three men in their early 20s were arrested and charged with burglary, robbery, possession of a weapon and assault.