Friends, family remember teen killed before prom

Saturday marks one year since Maren Sanchez, 16, was stabbed to death at Jonathan Law High School. A classmate allegedly stabbed her after she wouldn't go to the prom with him.  The community will

News 12 Staff

Apr 25, 2015, 2:10 AM

Updated 3,423 days ago


Saturday marks one year since Maren Sanchez, 16, was stabbed to death at Jonathan Law High School. A classmate allegedly stabbed her after she wouldn't go to the prom with him. 
The community will be coming together on Saturday morning at the high school to remember Sanchez at an event called, "Peace Love & Music from Maren."
The event will include a 5K fun-run, a kickball tournament and an art competition. There will also be live music all day and bounce houses for children. 
Purple ribbons have been tied to trees near the school in remembrance of Sanchez who organizers say "loved the color purple."
Organizers have been pre-selling T-shirts and bounce house bracelets throughout the week.