Norwalk spa shuttered after cops crack East Coast sex slave ring

A Norwalk spa was shuttered Thursday after a federal investigation revealed that women working at the spa had been illegally trafficked. The Liberty Spa on Westport Avenue in Norwalk was raided and closed

News 12 Staff

Aug 17, 2006, 10:25 PM

Updated 6,596 days ago


A Norwalk spa was shuttered Thursday after a federal investigation revealed that women working at the spa had been illegally trafficked.
The Liberty Spa on Westport Avenue in Norwalk was raided and closed Wednesday. Investigators say a 15-month probe revealed that Korean women were being forced into prostitution. In total, five Connecticut massage parlors were exposed in the sting operation, including the Ginja Spa in Stamford.
Experts say sex slaves are often lured from other countries after being promised jobs abroad, while others are kidnapped and transported to brothels against their will. Police say busting up this ring freed more than 70 women who were allegedly trafficked from Korea.Related Information: CT massage parlors shut down in alleged sex trafficking ring