Police: 2 Wallingford teens arrested for calling in bomb threat into Milford movie theater

The incident happened on March 3 at the Cinemark Movie Theater at the Post Mall at 1:30 p.m.

Jay Lederman

Mar 23, 2023, 2:31 PM

Updated 534 days ago


Two teens from Wallingford were arrested for calling in a bomb threat to the Cinemark Movie Theater at the Post Mall in Milford, police say.
Christian Cuomo, 18, and Tyvon Torres, 19, both of Wallingford, were charged in the incident.
Police say Cuomo is charged with conspiracy to commit breach of peace and conspiracy of falsely reporting an incident in the first degree.
Torres is charged with breach of peace, falsely reporting an incident, conspiracy to commit breach, and conspiracy of falsely reporting an incident in the first degree
The incident happened on March 3 at the Cinemark Movie Theater at the Post Mall at 1:30 p.m.
Police say employees at the Cinemark Movie Theater at the Post Mall received a phone call from an individual reporting to have a bomb and stating he was outside the movie theater.
Police responded and officers cleared the parking lot and movie theater before deeming the call a hoax and finding that there was no credible threat.
Police identified both Cuomo and Torres as the ones who made the phone call to the theater.
Both teens turned themselves in to police and were issued a promise to appear in Milford court next month.