Shelton school board member apologizes to teen

Backlash from a conversation caught on camera between a Shelton High School student and a board member has led to an apology. Zak Shilleh, a junior at Shelton High School, spoke out at a Shelton Board

News 12 Staff

May 16, 2015, 3:46 AM

Updated 3,442 days ago


Backlash from a conversation caught on camera between a Shelton High School student and a board member has led to an apology.
Zak Shilleh, a junior at Shelton High School, spoke out at a Shelton Board of Adelman meeting on budget cuts over the weekend. Shilleh says he used his life story to connect with the crowd about the need for special education teachers. He says that's when he was interrupted by the chairman of the board and asked to get to the point.
A local news outlet caught the conversation on camera and posted it to Facebook, where it received more than 11,000 hits in a matter of days.
The chairman eventually wrote an apology to Shilleh, who says he never thought his comments would end up getting so much attention.