Snapchat video shows 3 boys attack Bridgeport teen

A Bridgeport mom says she's furious over an attack on her 14-year-old son that was posted on Snapchat.

News 12 Staff

Mar 10, 2021, 11:10 PM

Updated 1,277 days ago


A Bridgeport mother says she's furious over an attack on her 14-year-old son that was posted on Snapchat.
The woman, who asked to remain anonymous, says the teen was attacked by three other boys on the West End around 5:30 p.m. Monday.
The mother says the attack took place on school grounds, but hours after school let out. She says it left her son with a concussion, and that a doctor at the emergency room reported the crime to police.
Police say they take this kind of case very seriously and they are investigating.
The mother says she's lived in the neighborhood for almost a decade and, until now, it has always seemed safe. She says to have her son go off and play basketball, and get attacked along the way tells her that only one outcome will send the right message -- the arrests of the alleged attackers.
She urges other parents to talk with their kids and encourage them to come forward if they've also been targeted.