Stamford woman raising money for ailing sister

A Stamford woman is raising money for her ailing sister who is an undocumented immigrant. Brenda Tax held a fundraiser at her home on Wright Street for her sister, Mirca. Mirca Tax is 24 years old

News 12 Staff

Apr 20, 2015, 1:36 AM

Updated 3,469 days ago


A Stamford woman is raising money for her ailing sister who is an undocumented immigrant.
Brenda Tax held a fundraiser at her home on Wright Street for her sister, Mirca. Mirca Tax is 24 years old and suffers health problems that have been undiagnosed so far.
Brenda Tax says the family does not have enough money to find a doctor to properly diagnose her sister.
News 12 is told that Mirca Tax is an undocumented immigrant from Guatemala. Her sister is also trying to raise money to pay for an attorney to keep her in the U.S.
The Taxes sold food to raise the needed money.