Tubing crash injures 2 teens

Two teenagers are recovering after their inner tube slammed into a yacht at Jennings Beach in Fairfield. Officials say both girls were injured Sunday afternoon after the boat pulling the tube they

News 12 Staff

Aug 4, 2015, 12:31 AM

Updated 3,322 days ago


Two teenagers are recovering after their inner tube slammed into a yacht at Jennings Beach in Fairfield.
Officials say both girls were injured Sunday afternoon after the boat pulling the tube they were riding on lost control and slammed the two into the side of a 70-foot yacht.
Police say a small inflatable motorboat was pulling the two best friends.
State detectives are now investigating why their tube apparently lost control at only 15 mph with an experienced boater at the controls as well as a spotter on board.
The incident comes nearly one year after a Greenwich teen's tubing death. "Emily's Law" now requires boat operators to be at least 16 years old and undergo safety classes.
Police say that both teens were transported to Yale New Haven Hospital Sunday afternoon.
Police say one of the girls involved in the accident was expected to be discharged from the hospital Monday evening. They say the other girl should be released in a few days.
Both were spending the day at Jennings Beach from Long Island, New York.