A program for Bridgeport kids is serving up tennis lessons while also providing academic enrichment through tutoring.
Organizers said First Serve Bridgeport also helps young players with their physical and emotional needs.
The program takes place year-round at Puglio Park and Central High School with kids participating in the program.
Young player Matheus Ribeiro said he and other kids can't get enough of the program.
"After we play for two hours, or one hour, they like to stay after to play, which is really nice. You can see their love for tennis," he said.
"We find it's really important to get them early and give them all that support year-round through middle school and through high school, help them get into the best colleges possible, like UConn and Fairfield University and other top colleges, and then help them through colleges," said the programs' David Reiss.
Organizers said six of their players have won the Arthur Ashe Essay Contest.
The nonprofit effort charges families nothing and is run entirely by donations and volunteers.