Residents of Bridgeport and beyond are showing they are strongly against the raids that are happening in New York.
Gov. Ned Lamont, who was in Bridgeport Sunday to march in the Puerto Rican Day Parade, said he stands with the state's Congressional delegation in opposing the raids.
Earlier, Sen. Richard Blumenthal was joined by Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim and Sen. Dennis Bradley in addressing the situation.
"This state is a sanctuary state, this city is a sanctuary city,” Bradley said.
They said certain venues like churches, hospitals, libraries and schools are strictly off limits for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids.
Ganim said he has directed the police department not to cooperate with ICE.
Bridgeport journalist Lennie Grimaldi worked for President Donald Trump during the 1990s. He says during that time, he gained insight into Trump’s way of thinking.
"Trump's a person who tries to move people to places they don't want to go,” Grimaldi said.