A family from New London County has launched a statewide search for a donor to help their son who has a rare form of kidney disease.
Kayla LaRose, of Jewett City, says her 4-year-old son Alex has been in and out of the hospital for the last two years to undergo surgeries. LaRose says his son's symptoms were dismissed as allergies for over a year.
"I actually googled the symptoms and the first thing to pop up was kidney disease, so I pushed for him to get tested and that's what it was," says LaRose.
LaRose says Alex had to have both kidneys removed and needs dialysis three times a week.
"It's been very challenging with a 4-year-old sitting still for three hours," says LaRose.
LaRose created a post on Facebook, and it received about 1,800 shares.
The transplant team at Hartford Healthcare is ready to screen potential donors and hopefully find a match.
LaRose says her family finally can see the light at the end of the tunnel after a tough two years.
Anyone interested in becoming a potential donor can call the Hartford Healthcare transplant team.