Police in Danbury say a woman abandoned her newborn baby behind a grocery store.
They found the baby boy wrapped in several pieces of women's clothing Sunday night behind Zaytuna, a halal store on Main Street, according to authorities. It was 54 degrees out and raining.
The baby was taken to the neonatal unit at Danbury Hospital.
Shop owner Mohammad Karim says he didn't notice anything unusual when he closed at 10 p.m.
"Never even thought this could be happening at our place here," he says.
Workers say the cameras outside Zaytuna are out of service and didn't record anything that night. Police were instead reviewing security video from neighboring businesses and homes.
"I hope that he's alright," says Sonia Nivelo, a neighbor. "I was talking with my husband. I was like, probably God has a good vision for the baby."
Under Connecticut's safe haven law, mothers can leave a newborn with a hospital -- no questions asked. The state says it's happened 27 times since 2000.
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