Dozens honor life of murdered Bridgeport teen

Dozens of people came together Monday night to honor Luis Colon, the 14-year-old student shot and killed on Christmas Eve.  A candlelight vigil was held at the scene of the shooting on State Street.

News 12 Staff

Dec 29, 2015, 8:24 PM

Updated 3,223 days ago


Dozens of people came together Monday night to honor Luis Colon, the 14-year-old student shot and killed on Christmas Eve. 
A candlelight vigil was held at the scene of the shooting on State Street.
Police say the teen was an innocent bystander who was caught in the crossfire of a fight between rival drug dealers.
Community members tell News 12 Connecticut they are standing together to try and stop the violence.
Funeral arrangements for the victim are still pending while the family raises money to help pay for them.
The man accused of murdering Colon is behind bars on a $1 million bond.
News 12 was in the courtroom as Michael Majors, 23, faced a judge Monday.
Police say Majors confessed to the shooting after they arrested him.
Grief counselors were at Harding High School in Bridgeport Tuesday to provide help to students and faculty.