An important day for local gun laws in this country is going all the way to the Supreme Court --sparking a rally from anti-gun violence supporters.
The high court is hearing a challenge today to a now-repealed New York City regulation that limited where New Yorkers could bring their guns.
It is the court's 'first major' Second Amendment case in nearly a decade.
Roughly 100 protesters rallied on the steps of the Supreme Court.
Connecticut has some of the toughest gun laws in the country since the Sandy Hook shooting.
Sen. Chris Murphy was there and said, “They want to take our right away to make change to pass laws that actually make our streets safer that prevent the kind of episodic gun violence that plagues American cities. They want to take that right away and we are not going to let them do that."
Sen. Murphy says the NRA is bringing a dangerous lawsuit to the Supreme Court.
He says the stakes couldn't be higher. If they win, it could put nearly every gun safety law at risk.