Gov. Malloy appears in town hall forum

Gov. Dannel Malloy and Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman met with residents at a town hall meeting in Stamford Thursday. They took questions on a number of issues at the UConn Stamford Campus. One hot topic

News 12 Staff

Feb 12, 2016, 8:32 AM

Updated 3,177 days ago


Gov. Dannel Malloy and Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman met with residents at a town hall meeting in Stamford Thursday.
They took questions on a number of issues at the UConn Stamford Campus.
One hot topic was the governor's proposed spending cuts and the economy.
At one point, an 11-year-old Greenwich girl, Sami Goldman, asked the governor to cancel cuts to the Kids in Crisis program.
Malloy did not appear swayed by her appeal, but says he plans to hold more public forums in the future.