‘He took his rage out on a poor, helpless animal.’ Man accused of throwing dog out car window in Stamford

Police say 31-year-old Jeremy Cepeda, of Yonkers, was charged with animal cruelty after he threw the Chihuahua out of the car following an argument with his ex-girlfriend at Cummings Beach.

Marissa Alter

Jul 12, 2022, 2:26 AM

Updated 975 days ago


A fight between a couple escalated into a senseless act of animal cruelty at Cummings Beach and left a Chihuahua with “extensive cranial and neurological injuries,” according to Stamford police. Police responded there around 10:50 p.m. Saturday after a call from an open 911 line where they heard a man and woman fighting and screams for help.
“When officers arrived, we found a female holding a Chihuahua dog who was severely injured,” said Capt. Diedrich Hohn, who was at the scene that night.
Hohn said the woman told them she'd gotten into an argument with her ex-boyfriend who pushed her out of the car.
“As he was driving off, he took the Chihuahua, who’s about 5 pounds, and threw her out the window,” Hohn told News 12. He said it all happened in front of their two children.
Police tracked Jeremy Cepeda, 31, of Yonkers, to a house on Stamford’s East Side and arrested him on charges of animal cruelty, breach of peace and two counts of risk of injury to a minor. They said the kids were with him and not hurt.
“I spoke to him as well, and he didn’t want to admit to anything about the dog,” Hohn recalled.
Other officers rushed the dog, named Chloe, to Cornell University Veterinary Specialists, where she underwent emergency measures. Hohn said she was bleeding and having seizures but is currently stable. He credited staff there with saving her life.
Chloe was recently released to Stamford Animal Control. It’s where she’ll stay until an investigation can confirm she’ll be safe at home with her owner. Animal Control Officer Stendhal Jean-Louis described Chloe as sweet but understandably a little scared.
“She’s making progress. She’s doing OK now. She’s taking her medication, and everything else seems to be fine for now,” Jean-Louis told News 12.
But Hohn said Chloe still has a long recovery ahead with lots of follow-up visits. There’s also the matter of her vet bills.
“We will be petitioning the court once they get all the medical records to attach to this case for restitution to Cornell. You’re probably talking about $3,500-$4,000 in medical bills."
Cepeda posted $5,000 bond following his arrest and is set to make his first court appearance Aug. 11.
“He took his rage out on a poor, helpless animal, and I hope the courts do take that into consideration,” Hohn said.
Police said Chloe’s owner was also charged in the domestic incident with breach of peace and risk of injury to minors.