A beloved Bridgeport woman, once called "one of the greatest administrators in the state" by Gov. William O'Neil in 1982, had a milestone birthday Saturday.
Jonnie Mae Foxworth celebrated her 100th birthday at Middlebrook Farms in Trumbull.
Family members say her bright mind and easy charm have helped to open every door along the way, inspiring other women to forge ahead despite all the obstacles.
"Life is short and we should celebrate the heroes among us when they are with us," said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who attended the celebration.
Foxworth, the oldest of 14, was a pioneering administrator with the Department of Motor Vehicles.
"She's my mother-in-law's first cousin, and I've heard wonderful stories about her over the years as to the wonderful elocutionist that she was…such a role model," said Valita Luckett.
"She…brings history, she brings memory, she brings joy to our facility," says Julia O'Sullivan of Middlebrook Farms.