Gov. Dannel Malloy warned Connecticut residents of various changes that could impact the roads and rails if the state's transportation fund isn't supplied with more money.
Malloy cautioned of the possibility of cutting midday, night and weekend service on Metro-North's New Canaan, Danbury and Waterbury lines.
Metro-North tickets could also rise 10 percent next summer, while CT Transit bus tickets may go up 15 percent, according to Malloy.
Malloy says among the possible options to bring in more money include tolls being added to I-95 and a 12 centper gallon hike on the state gas tax. He did not endorse any of these potential plans.
"We are at a fork in the road," said Malloy. "We can either raise fares, cut services and cancel important projects in towns and cities across Connecticut, or we can embark on a serious conversation."
Connecticut Transportation Commissioner James Redeker adds that highway rest stops will close andsnowplowing will be cut back without more funding.
The DOT says that projects, including the new Bridgeport train station and the parking garage at Stamford's station, could be delayed or canceled altogether.
The situations presented by Malloy are seen as worst-case scenarios, but if they are to happen, service cuts and fare hikes could begin as early as next summer.