A panel covered the topics of sexual assault and surviving trauma Friday at Grace Farms in New Canaan.
The More than #MeToo panel featured Dylan Farrow, who has accused her father Woody Allen of assaulting her, and Donna Palomba, who heads the group
Jane Doe No More.
Polamba is also a rape victim. She says her attacker came to her Waterbury home in 1993. She said police accused her of making up her story.
Every 98 seconds, she says, someone is sexually assaulted in the United States.
"Each time we tell our story, we're actually taking some power back," Palomba said.
Farrow said her famous father sexually assaulted her when she 7 years old.
"He used his power and authority to escape justice," Farrow said.
Allen was never charged with sexually assaulting Farrow.
Both Farrow and Palomba say that although many perpetrators never spend time in prison, it's important for victims to find hope through trauma.