A taqueria in Norwalk is fully open again after the owner
recovered from being in a coma after getting his third kidney transplant.
Luis Vallejo tells News 12 that
after a long recovery, he feels 100% and has been looking forward to being with
his family and reopening Taco Tequila fully.
Everything at the Mexican restaurant
is made at the start of the day. It started as a taco truck before becoming a
storefront on Main Street for three years.
The couple who owns the restaurant, Luis and Maria Vallejo,
have been coping with Luis’ health after he received his third kidney
transplant at Hartford Hospital and being in a coma for around two weeks
in December.
Luis Vallejo
tells News 12 getting back to Taco Tequila is something he has worked toward
since being on dialysis for a few months after his operation.
Taco Tequila is open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Luis Vallejo, who is from Mexico, tells News 12 he feels like everything is
meant to be since hearing that his new kidney and the doctor who operated on
him were both from Mexico too.