The Fourth District Congressional seat is up for grabs, and a heated debate Wednesday proved neither top running candidate is going to let it out of their grasps easily.
About 300 people showed up at the Stamford Marriott for the first of 11 debates between Congressman Chris Shays (R-CT), Democratic candidate Diane Farrell and Libertarian candidate Phil Maymin. Hot topics included the war in Iraq, transportation and Connecticut?s deficit. Current seat holder Shays concentrated on his relationship with Connecticut residents while Farrell insists that it is time for voters to separate their friends from their leaders. Two years ago, Shays defeated Farrell by only 4 percent. The latest poll numbers show Shays leading by 4 points with 16 percent still undecided.The debate is the first in a series of eleven leading up to the November elections. News 12 Connecticut will host a live debate between the candidates on October 19.