The U.S. Postal Service says the deadline for priority shipping this holiday season is a week before Christmas, but postal employees are encouraging customers to not wait until the last minute.
The manager of the Stamford USPS Processing and Distribution Center says the agency added an unprecedented 112 sorting machines nationally over the past year.
They say during a busy holiday season, customers should get gifts and cards in the mail at the latest by Dec. 17 for first class mail and Dec. 18 for priority mail.
Postal employees say new changes to postage rates and delivery standards are part of a long-term plan to strengthen the agency for the 21st century.
Officials say this facility averages over 200,000 packages a day during the holiday season.
Connecticut Attorney General William Tong joined 19 other state AGs last month in filing a complaint against the Delivering For America Plan to the Postal Regulatory Commission.