A Darien woman who paid for and installed her own signs to discourage drivers from speeding says someone stole them.
Many of them were taken from Five Mile River Road, says Abigail Knott, who placed 40 of them around the area.
Knott and other local residents say speeding is a big problem, so she and her husband paid about $600 for the signs, which ask drivers to "Drive like your kids live here."
Other residents helped put them up, but Knott says many were stolen over the weekend.
"We noticed when the signs were up, people slowed down," Knott says. "As soon as they were down, people sped up again. So I think it was really disappointing."
Knott says she has contacted police, but also says that her main goal is to reinstall the signs, and she says she's willing to drop charges if she gets them back.