A Stamford woman has made it her mission to prevent more deaths of children in hot cars with a special pledge for parents and day care workers.
Sharon Tappe, an EMS worker for Turn of River Fire Department in Stamford, brought Ray Ray's Pledge to Connecticut in memory of her best friend's great-niece. Sophia Cavaliero, or Ray Ray, was 1 year old when she died after three hours in a hot car in Texas. Her father had forgotten to drop her off at her day care.
Tappe says the pledge is for parents and day care workers to promise to call each other if a child is not in attendance. She speaks at day care centers and fire department events to spread her message.
"We need to make sure both parties, parent and caregiver, are on the same page to keep the kid safe," says Tappe.
Capt. John Corris, of the Stamford EMS, says parents should never put their child in the backseat on the driver's side, where they may not be seen. Corris says that putting the child on the opposite side guarantees they will be seen in the rearview mirror.