Crews across western Connecticut were out Tuesday setting mosquito traps for the summer.
One crew was working on putting out the traps at Pine Creek Trail near Fairfield Beach. The workers will eventually collect the traps and have the mosquitoes tested at the state lab in New Haven.
Christopher Driscoll, of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, was busy setting up traps. He says it's what he loves to do and doesn't mind doing the grunt work.
"Right now I'm setting up what's called a Gravitrap," says Driscoll. "We sort out the mosqutioes and they test those mosquitoes for West Nile virus and Triple E."
The mosquitoes are not tested for Zika, but the experts do look for the ones that are known to carry the virus.
Mosquito experts say the bugs have not been a problem yet because of the cool temperatures. However, once it gets warm and humid they say the insects will be out in full force.