Some Stratford families are facing tough decisions as hundreds of kids will be headed to different schools in September as part of a redistricting program meant to reduce busing.
Students at Stratford Academy for years have taken buses to attend special programs, but parents say they're frustrated with that bus service being
cut back.
Julie Arcos, of Stratford, picks up her kindergartener and fourth-grader from the bus after school, but she says that will change next year. Her daughter's bilingual program will stay at Stratford Academy, but her son's gifted program is expected to movie to Chapel School, more than 5 miles away. She says she's doesn't know how she'll manage without bus service.
The district is trying to encourage more students to go to school within walking distance of their home to save money by running fewer buses. It also eliminated a magnet school.
If students don't have a neighborhood school, they will still be offered bus service. But families whose children are already involved in special programs could face a complicated adjustment due to the bus cuts.
The superintendent told News 12 via email that it's too soon to tell how many students will continue in those special programs now that they do not provide transportation.