Stratford schools to educate kids about sex abuse

In the wake of sexual abuse allegations at a Stratford elementary school, the school board Monday approved a program teaching children about appropriate forms of contact. The "Good Touch, Bad Touch"

News 12 Staff

Jun 26, 2007, 2:24 AM

Updated 6,240 days ago


In the wake of sexual abuse allegations at a Stratford elementary school, the school board Monday approved a program teaching children about appropriate forms of contact.
The "Good Touch, Bad Touch" program aims to help teach young kids how to tell the difference between acceptable and unacceptable touching. School board member Bob Cody said the program was not in response to allegations of sexual abuse at Honey Spot School.
However, the alleged victim's mother, who requested anonymity, informed News 12 Connecticut what her 6-year-old son said he went through.
"He came home from school and immediately told me he had been sexually assaulted in the boy's room, during class time," she said.
The boy's mother said a classmate kissed her son's buttocks, an event she said police documented in a report.
Another child was allegedly assaulted soon after by the same child.
Superintendent Irene Cornish declined comment on the incidents, but said she believes students would benefit from the program.

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