Spring is here. Health experts say those hoping to shed some
pounds before hitting the beach should start now.
News 12’s Elizabeth Hashagen was joined by Dr Deena Gupta-Adimoolam, primary
care specialist and endocrinologist.
A new study says that added sugars could lead to about 45 sicknesses,
including risk of a heart attack.
The new study published Wednesday in the journal BMJ, the
researchers from the U.S. and China found that added sugars
are associated with significantly higher risks of
many sicknesses. Added sugars are found in foods like
syrups, honey, fruit juice, vegetable juice and purees.
The sicknesses include diabetes, gout, obesity, high blood
pressure, heart attack, stroke, cancer, asthma, tooth decay, depression and
early death.
For the study, scientists looked at a large review of 73
meta-analyses, which included more than 8,000 studies.
The report says that participants with the highest
consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages had higher body weight than those with
the lowest intake. It says people should limit free sugar intake to about six
teaspoons per day.
Meanwhile, as the weather gets warmer -- ticks get more active. There
is an emerging tickborne disease called babesiosis usually
caused by a parasite, says Dr. Bobbi Pritt of the Mayo
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says there
was a significant rise in the number of cases reported in the United States between 2011 and 2019, primarily in the Northeast
and Midwest.