A man accused of threatening to use explosives to rob a bank was arraigned Wednesday at the Stamford Courthouse and ordered held on $500,000 bond.
Police identified the suspect as 39-year-old Ian Brandt, of Norwalk. He allegedly robbed the First County Bank on Hope Street in Stamford around 4 p.m. Tuesday. Authorities said he threatened to use explosives and made off with thousands of dollars.
According to police, a bomb squad unit didn't find any evidence of explosives, but Brandt had already gotten away.
A Norwalk police officer who decided to park near Reed Street before heading to headquarters spotted Brandt. The officer followed the suspect and pulled him over, claiming Brandt didn't resist arrest. The suspect was held until bank employees could get to Norwalk to positively identify him.
Police say Brandt has a substantial police record under another name and they are investigating whether he is responsible for other robberies in Fairfield County and throughout the state.