Members of a Bridgeport church that was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy got some help today sprucing up their new home.
The original Walters Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church building is 180 years old, and it had been a part of the Underground Railroad when slaves seeking freedom hid there. But it was severely damaged during the storm nearly two years ago, when eight feet of water seeped into the basement. The historic building won't be able to be saved because repairs would cost $1.5 million.
After the storm, the congregation began meeting in a different building next door. Despite being newer than the historic church, it is still outdated and in need of sprucing up.
On Saturday, complete strangers came together with church members to do just that. The event marked an annual "Big Day of Serving."
The church pastor says the original building will eventually be torn down. An addition will be built onto the replacement building. The congregation is working on raising around $200,000 for the planned work.