Local groups are gearing up for a trip to Washington, D.C. for a chance to witness a historic transfer of power.
The Norwalk NAACP chapter was lucky enough to receive tickets to the inauguration while many other groups will be watching from home. A member says the group is leaving in the wee hours of the morning Tuesday to witness history on the Capitol steps.
NAACP member Brenda Penn-Williams says she organized a bus trip for five dozen people to see the inauguration as soon as she heard Barack Obama won the election.
The group is made up of local NAACP and Grace Baptist Church members that have long envisioned a more accepting community and country.
?To be able to stand in D.C. and watch the fulfillment or the beginning of the fulfillment of Dr. King's dream is monumental,? says NAACP member Jean Carter.
The Trumbull High School marching band will represent Connecticut during the Inaugural Parade. The Golden Eagles also performed in 2001 when President George W. Bush was sworn into office.