(AP) - Connecticut's consumer protectiondivision has subpoenaed insurance giant AIG, seeking the contractsand names of employees who received the $165 million in retentionbonuses.
Commissioner Jerry Farrell Jr. demanded that the documents beprovided by March 27.
Gov. M. Jodi Rell has said she wants Farrell to determine if thecontroversial bonuses can be voided under the Connecticut UnfairTrade Practices Act. The law prohibits "unfair methods ofcompetition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in theconduct of any trade or commerce."
AIG's financial products division is headquartered in Wilton.
Attorney General Richard Blumenthal says his office has alsodemanded that AIG produce the names of the bonus recipients and thebonus amounts. He's urging the employees to give back the money.
Doddchanges story on AIG bonus amendment