Nearly 1,000 people came out to Hartford today to discuss Gov. Dannel Malloy's (D-CT) plans to overhaul Connecticut's liquor laws, including allowing Sunday sales.
Crowds spilled out into the lobby and hallways of the state Capitol, waiting to speak out about potential changes to Connecticut's liquor laws during today's hearing.
Many liquor store owners and lobbyists for the package industry told lawmakers they are ready to accept Sunday sales, but they want Malloy to rethink some of the other provisions in his bill.
Al Vertucci, the owner of Al's Warehouse in Norwalk, says the current plan would eliminate minimum pricing on alcohol, giving big-box stores an unfair advantage.
One store owner from Stamford says another possible change would give large stores more freedom to move into small towns and potentially put mom-and-pop shops out of business.
Others spoke on behalf of grocery stores in favor of the changes to the law, which they believe would prevent money from leaving Connecticut.
Liquor store owners protest changes to Blue Laws