New law alerts schools about sex offenders

New Canaan school superintendent Dr. David Abby says he was prompted by a new state law to distribute a letter to parents about a sex offender moving into the district. Dr. Abby sent out the letter to

News 12 Staff

Sep 18, 2009, 11:55 PM

Updated 5,425 days ago


New Canaan school superintendent Dr. David Abby says he was prompted by a new state law to distribute a letter to parents about a sex offender moving into the district.
Dr. Abby sent out the letter to school district parents regarding the case of a former Norwalk police officer, Ray DeCamillo, who was convicted of groping a woman he pulled over in a traffic stop. Abby says the district decided to notify parents of DeCamillo because he is not allowed to have unsupervised contact with women under 17.
State Rep. Chris Caruso, who helped write the new law, says the district made the right decision. ?This gentleman was groping a 23-year-old and there may not be a history with children, but we don't know in the future what that individual or others are capable of doing.?
Several parents say they agreed with the notification.

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