Police: Woman charged in fentanyl overdose death of Stamford woman

Police identified Ikea Grace, 31, of Waterbury, as the person responsible for the death of the victim.

Nicole Alarcon Soares

Aug 26, 2024, 8:40 PM

Updated 17 days ago


A woman was arrested and charged with the overdose death of a Stamford resident, police said.
Stamford police said a 34-year-old woman was discovered unresponsive by her children in their home on April 5 and was pronounced dead on the same day.
Police identified Ikea Grace, 31, of Waterbury, as the person responsible for the death of the victim.
During the police’s investigation, they found multiple illicit drugs at the apartment.
Police interviewed Grace, and she allegedly said she supplied the pills to the victim.
She was processed and held on a $200,000 court-set bond for the charge of manslaughter.