A Stratford woman in need of a liver transplant has come up with a unique way of searching for a life-saving organ.
Susan Shumyhora says she is a diabetic who suffers from liver disease. She says her daughter came up with the idea of using a billboard to advertise for a live donor– someone who would give her part of their liver so she can survive.
The billboard is located on Boston Avenue.
Shumyhora says the advertisement has generated offers from five potential donors.
"They have their own lives, their own families, their own grandchildren and are still willing to see if they can be even a possibility for me," she says. "It's amazing the overwhelming response I've gotten."
Shumyhora says Lamar Advertising gave her a special discount on the billboard due to its life-saving purpose.
The donors will all be screened by the transplant center at Yale New Haven Hospital.