Bridgeport filmmaker Edwin Escobar celebrated the premiere of his latest project – a short film called "LƎFT" that is putting Alzheimer's disease in the spotlight.
The 24-minute piece follows a man and his father who suffers from dementia. Escobar said he wanted to demonstrate the struggles this disease brings to people and their loved ones.
"We sent it to festivals. We got a great response. Won eight awards, got accepted into about 30,” said Escobar.
"It was quite challenging because this is my second time acting…it was fun, it was a learning experience," said Steven Edmonds, the lead actor in the short film.
Edmonds also said the film demonstrated how much talent there is in the City of Bridgeport.
"We definitely kept it all in Connecticut, about 90% of it is in Bridgeport with the exception of the main house," said Escobar.
Escobar even hosted a movie premiere at the Klein Memorial Auditorium on Jan. 7.
"I feel like I made the right choice and I feel so supported and ready for my next project," said Escobar.
He said the inspiration for the project came from his grandmother who had dementia. She passed away in July, but Escobar said her and the short film helped him find his calling.
"This is definitely going to be my purpose; to tell stories for underserved voices," said Escobar.
He plans to have more film showings in different areas of Connecticut.