As allegations of sexual harassment rock Hollywood and other industries, a Bridgeport nonprofit hosted a training program on Thursday to prevent sexual harassment.
Volunteers and staff at the Center for Family Justice refer to the issue as an epidemic, saying sexual harassment can happen anywhere and to anyone. Attendees of the program learned how to address and put an end to workplace harassment.
"We feel an obligation that says let's talk about it and let's raise awareness because there will be people out there, especially young people or people my age, that it's either happened to and they don't know where to go for help and they don't know where to go for support," Debra Greenwood, president and CEO of the organization, told News 12.
The Center for Family Justice will be celebrating its two-year anniversary at its Bridgeport location. The organization aims to put an end to domestic and sexual abuse with its free and confidential services.
Greenwood said the organization will continue to hold training seminars in the future.