Ryder, the 26-year-old New York City carriage
horse that collapsed this past summer, has died, according to a post on social
In a post on Facebook, the Bergen
County Horse Rescue at Mahrapo Farms says, “While we don’t know the exact
cause of his death, we did learn that Ryder had some long-term health issues
that were not addressed. He should have received care sooner from his previous
owner. When we first learned that Ryder
collapsed we immediately offered him sanctuary at BCHR. However, arrangements
had already been made for his care elsewhere. Unfortunately, with many horses
who have been rescued or who are in the second phase of their working lives,
like Ryder, there are many unknown health conditions that remain undetected
until it’s too late. Our sincere hope is that Ryder’s situation will be a
catalyst for change within the industry.”
They say Ryder received the care he
needed from his veterinary team at Cornell.