Residents in Rowayton are being randomly visited by an unwelcome flasher and worry that the flashings are escalating.
Police say they are investigating eight reported incidents, all of which have happened late at night. The flasher is spreading fear in the community. One teenager declined to appear on camera but says just last week she looked out of her window on Ridgewood Road at about 2 a.m. and saw a man jumping in and out of the shrubs. She realized he was naked and said she ?freaked out.?
Tim Coupe, a spokesman for the Rowayton Civic Association, says the flasher has gone from looking into windows to exposing himself when he is either dressed or partially dressed. Residents are so worried they are holding a meeting Thursday night at the town community center to discuss their concerns. Police say they are hoping that by putting plainclothes officers in the field it will help them catch the flasher.