Frozen pipes and heating problems disrupted schools across western Connecticut Monday, even forcing some to close.
Officials closed Ludlowe High School in Fairfield, extending the weekend for students after frozen pipes burst and flooded part of the building. It will reopen Tuesday,
Similar problems led to closures at the Fairchild Wheeler Magnate School, Park City Magnate and Dunbar Elementary in Bridgeport, but the district hasn't yet announced when they will reopen.
And the weekend's extreme cold damaged the heating system at Wolfpit Elementary School, forcing officials to bus children to Norwalk High School Monday morning.
The principal there says things have since returned to normal. Students returned to the building around 12:30 p.m. after spending the first half of the day at the high school.
The principal says custodians discovered a repairable boiler problem early Monday morning. They fixed it, but it took time for the system to heat up the building.