An Ohio man faced a judge Thursday on charges that he went inside the Stamford Town Center Wednesday and started waving what police thought was a gun.
Officials say they caught Mohamed Boumazzourh after they tackled him inside an elevator following a struggle.
Police say a witness spotted Boumazzourh in Veterans Park. The witness says Boumazzourh, 29, was by a parking garage that led to the mall and was carrying what appeared to be a gun. Police say they were eventually able to take the gun away, which turned out to be fake.
Boumazzourh was placed under a $100,000 bond and was charged with breach of peace and interfering with police, among other charges.
Police say while Boumazzourh will stay on their radar, there seem to be no signs that this incident is connected to terrorism.
They say they are leaning more toward mental illness, and the judge ordered that Boumazzourh undergo a mental evaluation.
The mayor's office says it will be recognizing several police officers Friday for safely arresting Boumazzourh.