The offensive lineman for the Pittsburgh Steelers who was the only member of his team to be on the field during the national anthem Sunday now has the best-selling jersey in pro football.
But Alejandro Villanueva says, he wishes none of it ever happened.
Villanueva is an Army Ranger who served three tours in Afghanistan.
Villanueva came out for the anthem, while the rest of his team didn't, and now says he made a mistake.
"Whether I want it or not, whether it was my intended plan or not, the reason that I went out there by myself is the reason that is causing all this distress and that is making the organization look bad, my coach look bad and my teammates look bad,” says Villanueva. “And for anybody who thinks that Coach Tomlin is not as patriotic as you can get in America or anyone of my teammates or the owner? I take offense to that."
Villanueva apologized to his team and coaches as well.
He says when he sees video or pictures of him standing there by himself, he feels embarrassed.