During the summer, Owen Lentner, 11, helped bridge the gap between seniors and technology in Wilton. Now, he is helping teens and adults in Bridgeport.
Lentner is teaching coding — a dynamic computer skill — to young people ranging from their teens all the way into their 20s.
"The fact that these kids are learning at such a young age, it's awesome - so this is awesome,” said Lentner. “It's creating a pathway for them to do something bigger, as in a career or something like that. Some of these kids in this class have shown amazing, outstanding performance that's exceeds anything I've seen. It feels really good helping people of all ages. And it's It's a great feeling."
Lentner has already gained the attention of state Sen. Marilyn Moore. The sixth grader at Wilton's Middlebrook School is teaching young people using the online platform Bubble.io, which allows users to write code by dragging and dropping premade functions. It's being made possible through the nonprofit Full Circle Youth Empowerment
“I think it's wonderful that Owen is taking what he has learned, bringing it to our community and teaching other children,” said Moore. "I mean, that's very generosity of spirit."
Lentner's father also can't help but be amazed at the work his son Owen is doing.
"I couldn't be prouder, he's a really, really good kid, he's studious," he said.