Giants alumni visit Stamford elementary school

Jonathan Casillas and Ahmad Bradshaw met with kids at Stillmeadow Elementary School and talked about leading an active and healthy life as part of the team’s “Be Giant” campaign.

Rob Taub

Sep 8, 2023, 9:32 PM

Updated 411 days ago


New York Giants alumni took part in a rally at a Stamford elementary school on Friday.
Jonathan Casillas and Ahmad Bradshaw met with kids at Stillmeadow Elementary School and talked about leading an active and healthy life as part of the team’s “Be Giant” campaign.
“Nowadays, it’s hard to be happy every day and you know we just want the kids to be kids,” said Bradshaw. “You know like I said eat good, stay healthy, sleep be able to sleep every night and no interruptions. You know I care about the kids you know everything to be happy for the kids.”
The players also visited a local restaurant associated with the campaign to serve food and coffee to customers.