Crews across the state and in Bridgeport spent the weekend preparing for what could be the worst snowstorm of 2021 as a nor'easter barreled toward the area.
Roadway Supervisor George Brown says he's seen a lot of snowstorms in his seven years working for the city, and that cleanup won't be easy.
Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim says it's hard to dodge a bullet when your city's a bullseye on the forecast map.
Brown says he is taking no chances when it comes to checking his equipment. His trucks are filled with sand and are ready to roll on a moment's notice.
The 50 vehicles filling the public utilities garage will be on the front lines of a massive operation. Ganim says it was officials in the Emergency Operation Center who helped make the decision to close school and city offices Monday.
The wind chill is also expected to make the cleanup effort brutal for road crews.