Cider Mill School in Wilton hosts Take Your Veteran to School Day

Local veterans from the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard were honored with song and a hearty thank you for their service.

Tom Krosnowski and Nicole Alarcon

Nov 10, 2023, 5:14 PM

Updated 475 days ago


The Cider Mill School in Wilton hosted a Take Your Veteran to School Day on Friday.
Local veterans from the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard were honored with songs and a hearty thank you for their service.
Speakers emphasized three points: respect for those who serve, a responsibility to do what's right and a readiness to learn.
Paul Niche, an American Legion Post 86 Commander, recalls the treatment veterans received after the Vietnam War.
“Some were spit at, many couldn’t get jobs, they were told not to wear their uniforms when they got off the airplanes. You deserve much better,” said Niche.
A wall at Cider Mill dedicated to veterans demonstrates the impact Veterans Day has on the students – the names listed on the wall all have a connection to someone at the school. 
“People should celebrate it a lot more than just having one day, they should celebrate it every day,” said fourth-grader Greysen.
Emmy, another fourth-grade student said, “If you know a veteran, call, or write to them. It’s because of them that we have our country.”
Veterans left the students with the lessons they learned during their time of service.
“I learned leadership, I learned perseverance. I learned honor and duty to my country, and I think I’m a better American citizen because I was in the Army,” said Army 1st Lt. Justin Ramsteck.
“There’s no other flag that is 100% inclusive of all Americans,” said Niche.
Students performed the songs for their heroes’ branches - Army, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard and Air Force.
“It just renews your faith in the country to see these little children honoring the country and honoring the veterans,” said Ramsteck.
The event was sponsored by Optimum and the History Channel as a chance for veterans to receive the appreciation they didn’t all get. Optimum is a subsidiary of Altice USA, which is News 12's parent company.